A Child Custody Dispute Can Be An Emotional Battle
It can be hard to deal rationally with child custody. It is an emotional issue for everyone involved. It can tear a family apart. Or it can be worked out with sensitivity, empathy, and reason so everyone can do fine.
At the core of a custody dispute is the child or children. Spouses must be responsible and get it worked out right so that the harm to each child is minimized. That’s a difficult challenge when each spouse is emotional and afraid of an outcome to the dispute they desperately want to avoid.
To your satisfaction, a favorable custody dispute resolution begins with factual information documented by an unbiased party. In such an emotional arena, it is easy to base judgments on assumptions, half-truths, rumors, snippets of damning heresy,
glances, or unsubstantiated assertions. But none of this is EVIDENCE admissible in court.
Call us immediately at the first sign that cooperation is breaking down. Our experienced investigators can document evidence admissible in court and support your lawyer in building a winnable case.
If you need a lawyer, look for one who is experienced with child custody law cases and has a track record of success. You may also have to work with people in child protective services, so be sure you have your home cleaned and everything to where you can show that you are responsible if you can see your children more because you are sober. In a good position, a lawyer and the help of child protective services can usually make it happen.
Throughout this dispute, children must be dealt with carefully because you don’t want them to have mental issues that come up now or later in life. You may need to get them into counseling because they can be confused or think it’s their fault when you alter a parent and child relationship. This is best left to a therapist; you may need to get this started as soon as a custody battle begins.
You need to follow any rules set up, and if you don’t think they are fair, that doesn’t give you the right to break them. For instance, if you are told you can only see your children every other weekend, do not show up on a random day and try to take them somewhere. This can get you into big trouble and take away even more of your rights regarding seeing them. Instead, when you think something isn’t fair, you should consult your lawyer to work with you so you can deal with the problem legally.
It’s essential to be responsible with child custody. Sometimes the other party can’t be reasoned with. Whatever circumstance, caring, sensitive and knowledgeable professionals can guide you through this.
Laws and protective government policies are in place to protect your rights and children’s rights. Call us for guidance on navigating through the confusion and anxiety to help you keep your child or children while shielding them from the pain.